Simplify and safeguard your research

Keep your research findings safe and centralized with user-friendly report and export options.

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Comprehensive reporting made easy

Export experiments straight from the main page, keeping your data safe

Customize your report by selecting the projects that matter to you

Save time and energy by combining project selection and data export in a single platform

Comprehensive reporting made easy

Pick and preview your way

Our advanced features let you handpick individual experiments for your report

Simply click on the experiment’s name to get a detailed preview before finalizing your selections

Adjust every detail as needed, giving you control and transparency

Pick and preview your way

PDFs made simple

Convert your meticulous reports into shareable PDF formats, perfect for offline access

Keep all your reports safe and easy to retrieve in a dedicated repository

Make the most of this organized record-keeping feature by simplifying audits and historical data checks

PDFs made simple
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