
Stock tracker at Genemod

With Genemod's industry-leading freezer management software, you can now set up proactive alerts to help you stay on top of inventory and place orders to replenish your supplies.

Setup an inventory alert in seconds with Genemod's Stock Tracker

Every lab manager and scientist has struggled with inventory management when running experiment protocols that have cost them time and money. But, traditional and antiquated inventory alert systems can be just as time-consuming to set up and maintain. If you can no longer afford to deal with inventory headaches, then turn to Genemod's Stock Tracker to create powerful yet simple alerts tied into Genemod's cutting-edge inventory management system.

Setting up an alert takes seconds and you are able to assign thresholds to any one of your items stored in your virtual freezer. Even if you have thousands of items across dozens of freezers, you will be able to leverage the deep search functionality to find exactly the item that you are looking for and assign an inventory threshold to alert you when the stock of that item is running low within a single box or across your entire inventory cloud.

Inventory alerts can be a very effective way to keep your team abreast of your inventory stock. However, it may be that not everyone on your team needs to be alerted to items that may be running low. Genemod is the best inventory management software for stock tracker alerts and it allows you to customize who receives the alerts, either your entire team or just you. Managing existing alerts can be just as cumbersome as managing inventory unless you use a modern inventory management system like Genemod's Stock Tracker feature.

Manage your Stock Tracker alerts from a single page


Reordering an item is as easy as a single click when you use Genemod's integrated ordering system. Orders for any reagent or item can be created and added to the list of unfulfilled orders handled by you or your lab manager. As soon as you submit an order, the Stock Tracker updates the alert status, notifying your entire team that fresh inventory is on its way.

No matter how your team needs inventory managed, Genemod has a solution to fit your needs. Contact us for a demo or sign up free to see how Genemod can be your inventory and project management software today.

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